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Description of the scripts included in OpenStreetMap Carto

Description of the scripts included in OpenStreetMap Carto

The following scripts are provided to support coding. They are necessary and useful solely during making changes to the map style and are unnecessary for map rendering.


This script generates and populates the data directory with all needed shapefiles, including indexing them through shapeindex. Check INSTALL for further documentation.

The shapefile configuration is read from a dictionary file which is by default external-data.yml, that describes the datasets as well as related download and installation process as declarative workflow.

At list 24 GB HD and 4 GB RAM are suggested to successfully run this procedure.

usage: [-h] [-f] [-c CONFIG] [-D DATA] [-d DATABASE] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-U USERNAME] [-v] [-q] [-w PASSWORD] [-R RENDERUSER]

Load external data into a database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           Download new data, even if not required
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Name of configuration file (default external-data.yml)
  -D DATA, --data DATA  Override data download directory
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Override database name to connect to
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Override database server host or socket directory
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Override database server port
  -U USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Override database user name
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose. Overrides -q
  -q, --quiet           Only report serious problems
  -w PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Override database password
                        User to grant access for rendering can be run from the scripts directory of openstreetmap-carto, or from its base folder.

Typical usage:



For any modification on the road classes colours, do not modify road-colors-generated.mss directly. Check instead road-colors.yaml and related internal description. Then run scripts/ > road-colors-generated.mss.

usage: [-h] [-v]

Generates road colours

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Generates information about colour differences

Typical usage:

$ pip install colormath # (or "sudo pip install colormath" to install the needed Python prerequisite)

$ scripts/ > road-colors-generated.mss

Not all values are possible; will throw an error if you pick values that cannot be converted to RGB. Usage of HUSL is recommended.


This script generates all SVG files inside the symbols/shields folder related to highway shields. It uses road-colors.yaml to configure the shield colors.

The generated files are then used by roads.mss (specifically, by roads-text-ref-low-zoom and roads-text-ref styles).

Files are named symbols/shields/[highway]_[width]x[height].svg, symbols/shields/[highway]_[width]x[height]_z16.svg and symbols/shields/[highway]_[width]x[height]_z18.svg where width = 1 to 10 and height = 1 to 4.

Related configuration is internal. The script exploits to read road-colors.yaml configuration file.

The currently produced files are related to motorway, trunk, primary, secondary and tertiary highway tags (while track and path are not managed at the moment).


  • Installation of prerequisite components with Windows:

    Download the LXML WHL library from

    Example using Python 2.7:

        > pip install lxml-3.6.4-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
        > pip install colormath

    Example using Python 3.5:

        > pip install lxml-3.6.4-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl
        > pip install colormath

    Running the script:

        > scripts/ > road-colors-generated.mss
        > scripts/
  • Installation of prerequisite components with Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python3-pip libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev python-lxml python-colormath
    sudo pip install colormath
    sudo pip install lxml

    Running the script:

      $ scripts/ > road-colors-generated.mss
      $ scripts/


This Ruby script generates a list of popular shop values with more than MIN_COUNT occurences in OpenStreetMap database according to taginfo. it is useful during creating/updating list of shops displayed with generic dot icon.


A new SQL query defined in project.mml might need the definition of SQL indexes that shall be coded in indexes.yml, which is the related dictionary adopted by OpenStreetMap Carto.

Do not modify indexes.sql directly: use this script instead, which reads indexes.yml and creates SQL statements to the standard output, to be redirected to indexes.sql. There are a number of options for concurrent index creation, recreating the osm2pgsql-built indexes, fillfactors, and other settings to give full control of the resulting statements.

usage: [-h] [--concurrent] [--fillfactor FILLFACTOR] [--notexist]
                  [--osm2pgsql] [--reindex]

Generates custom index statements

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --concurrent          Generate indexes CONCURRENTLY
  --fillfactor FILLFACTOR
                        Custom fillfactor to use
  --notexist            Use IF NOT EXISTS (requires 9.5)
  --osm2pgsql           Include indexes normally built by osm2pgsql
  --reindex             Rebuild existing indexes

Typical usage:

$ scripts/ > index.sql

A goal with the indexes is to have them general-purpose enough to not need frequent changing with stylesheet changes, but to be usable with many versions, and potentially other styles.

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